Screw the MSM and their IDS

I can’t seem to find anything but more examples of Israel Derangement Syndrome (IDS) in the mainstream media today. And I don’t want to write any more about it.

IDS is the subject of my podcast this week. Tracy Twyman is putting it together as I write, so keep an eye out on the SNN site for news of its arrival.

Think I’ll go back to watching Buffy slay evil instead. We are now up to Season Three.

Say, Jonathan, I think I have to revise my Top Ten list. Add Halloween, Surprised, Innocent, Passion, and of course, Becoming I & II. Plus from the first season, Prophecy Girl and the Pack. Of course, now I have more than ten on my Top Ten list, but hey. There were more than ten Top Ten episodes.

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2 Responses to Screw the MSM and their IDS

  1. Carol Herman says:

    Hope this helps. It’s the July 4th “weekend” in the USA. 40-million-Americans are traveling about. (According to Drudge.)

    At all the MSM outlets the “stringers” are there. But everyone else has left for vacation. You won’t see much in the way of “news” at all. And, for analysis and commentary you need to go to the blogs.

    I’ll guess that Olmert allows for a break; where gaza goes quiet. And, if Shalit is not returned, the “noise” restarts. It gives the guns a rest. And, the pilots a chance to sleep. But it doesn’t return things back to where the chickens are laying eggs. And, the terrorists aren’t on tenderhooks.

    To stop the Israelis, Shalit needs to be returned UNHARMED. This seems to be the reason for all the hold ups and counter-threats. IF Shalit’s been tortured; then perhaps there’s a waiting period for him to heal? And, that’s the best-case-scenario.

    Up ahead, it will become noticeable that hamas didn’t win a thing. That mubarak, angry for being played the fool, puts pressure on the pencil-necked assad; so that Mashaal loses traction in damascus.

    Stranger things have happened.

    And, it’s possible Amir Peretz manages not to walk off the reservation, as I’m sure Shimon Peres knows how to do; but he’s much too tired, too old, and without a chance to sit in a future government. Olmert also knows he risks his prime minister’s chair. While Bibi’s stock goes up. All of these things are playing in the background.

    While in Ramallah, the arabs can see a hole in haniyeh’s window. With “shades” of how Arik Sharon treated arafat for years. There’s nothing wrong with this picture. The “derangement” syndrome is not an Israeli problem at all. (As a matter of fact, Israel’s stock rises in this country. And, Bush’s poll numbers are also going UP.)

    So, like a yo-yo, expect, ahead, a few periods of silence. And, then uproar. Until Shalit comes home. If Olmert loses his nerve, he loses his seat. And, Bibi stands a chance to recover. Of course, just my opinion. And, my crystal ball, retrieved from Delphi.

  2. Eric J says:

    Becoming Parts I and II are the absolute pinnacle of the series, I think. (Although my vote for best episode still has to go to “Once More With Feeling” if only for the lyric “His penis got diseases from a Chumash tribe.”

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