Have a little butt with your Shiraz?

This one’s for the ladies: Britain’s started a new trend: Naked butlers. Well, mostly naked. (My buddy Stretch sent me this in email. I’d read the story but didn’t know there were pictures, so blame Stretch. Or thank him for it.)

Presented, for your amusement: Butlers in the buff.

Butlers in the buff

Yep. That’s all they wear. And oh, the picture is from this link. It’s a gay news site, guys, so don’t blame me if you see something you don’t want to see.

Yeah, I remember the pink houses link. I said it was for women only, and you guys went and clicked, anyway. Hmfph.

I suppose this must be the lead-up to the second annual Blog Nekkid Day. Mike’s Matt’s trying to get me to sign up again. Dude, that’s a work day.

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7 Responses to Have a little butt with your Shiraz?

  1. Oy vey. Had I posted something like this, but of the better gender, I would be drawn and quartered…

    Yeah, well, that’s the brave new world we all are living in and learning to love.

    (Can I whisper: men lib?)

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    So it’s a work day. Can’t you blog from work?

  3. awwwww,

    you know you wanna, five minutes in the morning after your shower is all you need to qualify, or how ’bout in the evening when you get home and pop the cork on a nice shiraz…..

    Matt aka “Mike”

  4. You can post any kind of picture you want on your blog, Snoopy. But on this one, I get to post beefcake pictures.

    In fact, I’m thinking of finding one per week and putting it up on a specific day. Plenty of fan sites with soap opera actors’ pictures out there, and the men of soaps are the hottest, buffest men on television.

  5. cond0010 says:

    Hey Meryl,

    How ’bout Hot pic of Ann Coulter… ;)

    (* Runs for the exit *)

  6. I’m sorry, I have never understood how any man can think that woman is in any way attractive.

    I get Eva Longoria. The woman defines beauty and sensuality. But Ann Coulter?

    She’s. Not. Hot.

    Not at all.


  7. cond0010 says:


    Just playing with you a bit, Meryl. I do find Ann pretty, but there are many… many more women that are prettier.

    … and that Eva Longoria…


    ..yea, she is definately prettier.

    Attractiveness, otoh, has a few more variables – and it definately levels the playing field.

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