Creepy headline of the week

Saw this headline:

Alligators out of their winter stupor, starting to feed

And immediately thought, “And they’re eating women.”

I visited my mother a lot when she lived in Hollywood, Florida. There was a canal behind her house that had little gators, and a preserve down the street that had really big ones.

Tellya how I knew the canal behind Mom’s condo had alligators. The first time I visited her, I was twenty years old, and didn’t want to sit by the pool filled with old people. So I took my towel and went on the lawn behind Mom’s condo for the first couple of days. About the third day I was there, I saw that the next-door neighbors had a statue of an alligator. It was about three feet long. “Wow, that’s a realistic-looking statue,” I thought, and went to the edge of the porch to look at it more closely.

And it ran into the canal and disappeared.

That was the last time I sunbathed near the canal.

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