It must be Silly Headline Day

Because there are a lot of them.

Bush to raise Iran nuclear issue with Hu

The “Hu’s on first?” joke is so obvious, you almost don’t need to say it.

Hawaii May Honor Humuhumunukunukuapuaa

Man, Hawaiians have the coolest names for things. That’s a fish. Bet you can’t say it five times fast. (It’s called “humuhumu” for short.)

This one is just: Ew. I mean — ew.

Mission Impossible? Tom Cruise boasts of eating placenta

Then again, it’s Tom “I have shit-for-brains because I’m a scientologist” Cruise. Yeah, yeah, I know, some people think it’s a cool thing to do. Well, when I was twelve, I watched my cat eat her afterbirth and ever since, have been utterly horrified at anyone even thinking of doing it. Note to Tom: You’re not a cat.

And what’s up with this Chad guy? I mean, can he stop whining already?

Chad calls for international support
Chad confident of World Bank deal by end of April
Chad softens threat to cut oil production
Chad not to expel refugees

Dude. Chill. I mean, really, it’s bad enough you’re named Chad, but do you have to make the world hate you?

See what happens when you name your son after a 1950s movie star?

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One Response to It must be Silly Headline Day

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    We need to support them. After all, look what happened to the U.S. when we had a dangling Chad.

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