Say hello to the British kapo

Gerald Kaufman, a British Member of Parliament, thinks that the Brits should consider economic sanctions if Israel doesn’t hand over her soldiers to be tried in Britain.

Never mind that the case was already investigated, and the shooter tried, convicted, and imprisoned in Israel. This is not enough. No, this Jewish MP needs to prove how much he wants to be with the in crowd, and call for sanctions against Israel even before the Brits have held any kind of discussions.

The question, of course, must be asked: Did Mr. Kaufman vote in favor of the Iraq war? Did he vote in favor of sanctions on Iraq? How about Iran? Does he favor sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program?

I’m betting not, what with his calling Sharon a “war criminal” and Israel a “pariah state.”

Eff you, Kaufman. Eff you, you ex-Jew. Please remove yourself from the Tribe. We don’t want you here.

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One Response to Say hello to the British kapo

  1. Ted says:

    I am also very troubled by the UK using it’s “laws” to punish Jews who are defending themselves against terror.

    It seems to be an update of the infamous “Nuremburg Laws” used by the Nazi’s as the legal basis for their anti-Semitic crimes.

    Shame on the UK for allowing this perversion of justice.

    And shame on the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs for not working with the UK government to stop this injustice.

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