This week’s podcast

is up, and ready for your listening pleasure.

Allison Kaplan Sommer is the featured interview.

Also, I now have a Google Talk account, thanks to Bruce, so if you live in another country (or even this one, only far away), we can talk to each other via Google Talk.

Strangely enough, I’m using my own name.

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2 Responses to This week’s podcast

  1. Ben F says:

    Not bad. But your April Fools Day effort sets a very, very high bar.

    And what’s with Blair’s two consecutive interviews with Israel-based bloggers? Is he trying to prove the “Zionist-controlled media” schm*cks correct?

    Umm, can I write “schm*ck” on this blog?

  2. Who’s Blair?

    Hm. Can you write “schmuck” on this blog? Let me think. Have I ever written “schmuck” on this blog?

    You know, I might have. I think I’d have to think really hard, or do a Google search, or something.

    I had no idea Bruce dated the last podcast April 1st. It was sheer coincidence that Bugs & Co. were on my podcast on that date.

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