Tom Delay: Exterminated

Wave buh-bye to Tom Delay as The Exterminator leaves Congress. He’s resigning.

So long, Tom, and don’t let the door hit you on the ass.

Don’t tell me this was anything to do with partisanship. I do believe Jack Abramoff has done us all a favor by ridding us of one of the nastiest human beings ever to serve in Congress.

Time to do a little happy dance.

I keep telling you folks: I am not a conservative. Don’t expect me to do anything but cheer over this one.

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3 Responses to Tom Delay: Exterminated

  1. The Doctor says:

    One down of the two people in Washington who make me embarrased to have grown up in Texas…

  2. cond0010 says:

    No worries, Meryl,

    As a Christian-Conservative who was once liberal (used to call Reagan ‘Ray-Gun’), I still enjoy reading your site – even if you do the happy dance.

    And speaking for myself (and not for other conservatives who hang around here): I have no intention of trying to convince/convert you in regards to any idea – just having internet access is enough.

    So… enjoy the Happy Dance, Meryl. Its a victory for most liberals. :)


  3. Robert says:

    Wait, I thought the nastiest member of Congress was Teddy Kennedy (D-Chivas) or McKinney (It was the JOooos Fault)?

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