Guilty lunchtime pleasures

Tinkerty Tonk. Tinkerty Tonk, besides having one of the coolest weblog names ever, is a clever, funny, addictive read. If I follow a link, I always hit the back key and continue reading.

Reading Rachel’s posts reminds me of bloggers on my own blogroll that I need to catch up on. Like Norm. (If only our day lasted another twelve hours, I could keep up with all of my favorite bloggers.)

This post has given me ideas for a new nom de plume. And this one just made me laugh. (Well, you have to follow some of the links, like the one to Snoopy’s place.)

Omri is writing again. That boy goes in dribs and drabs, which is actually a good thing. The only weblog as with Israel news as depressing as mine is, well, his. Okay, sometimes David and Solly are equally depressing, but it isn’t their fault. It’s the news.

But how can you resist someone who can write something like this:

We can’t imagine anything better than having people who don’t believe in God, go to shul, or identify with Israel being offensive just so they can prove that “it’s cool to be Jewish.”

Oooh, that’s gonna bring on a comments storm.

Once again, link to your favorite blogger in the comments here. I could sure use someone who likes to write link roundups. Heck, you could just send me an email and I’d post it. The pay is crappy, but you’d get the credit and my undying gratitude.

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