The Russian FM is on drugs

This is rich:

Russia’s foreign minister said he expects Hamas to move closer to meeting international demands within two weeks – including setting up foreign aid monitoring and recognizing Israel, according to a newspaper interview published Wednesday.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was quoted by the Vremya Novostei daily as saying that during its recent visit to Moscow, a delegation led by Hamas political chief Khaled Mashaal promised to consider recognizing the so-called road map for a Mideast peace settlement, accepting an international aid monitoring mechanism, and recognizing Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian president – including his authority to lead the Palestinians’ foreign policy.

“I think that in the next two weeks we will see some practical steps in these directions,” Lavrov was quoted as saying.

That’s funny, because only a week and a half ago, Hamas stated quite clearly that they will never recognize Israel.

So what we have here is a declaration by the Russians, based on no evidence, that Hamas is going to suddenly turn itself around, deny its charter, recognize Israel, and stop calling for a caliphate?

This man is on drugs.

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3 Responses to The Russian FM is on drugs

  1. Omri Ceren says:

    August Bebel once said that “Anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools”. And many campus Republicans have insisted over the years that socialism is the opiate of academics.

    But I still think that calling institutionalized anti-Semitism qua anti-Zionism a drug is giving the Russian political establishment an excuse that they really don’t deserve. ;-)

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    He’s probably been at the kvass. That’s a Russian homebrew made out of moldy rye bread. Russians explain its virtues thusly: “It’s strong, it’s black, and it makes you drunk.”

  3. While Michael L.’ explanation of kvass made me laugh (it is one of the very few Russian “native” non-alcoholic drinks – take notice, Meryl), I would like to have some of the stuff Russian FM uses.

    It might make life easy and pink-colored in no time.

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