Can we please excommunicate these Jews?

The group of reprehensible human beings who are unfortunately also Jewish has gone from kissing Arafat’s ass to kissing Iranian ass. Disgusting. Disgusting.

A delegation from the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect is currently visiting Teheran to meet with senior officials and express their support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his calls to eliminate Israel.

In a statement to Iran’s official IRIB radio, the group called for “the disintegration of the Zionist regime” and defended the Iranian president, saying that it “is a dangerous deviation to pretend that the Iranian president is an anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic personality.”

[…] On Sunday, members of the delegation, headed by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, met with Iranian Vice-President Ahmad Moussavi, who also chairs the Iranian Committee in Support of the Palestinian Revolution.

At the meeting, according to the Iranian news agency IRNA, Weiss “praised the ‘enlightening’ statements of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad about the Holocaust and said the establishment of a Zionist government and occupation of Palestine are contrary to the injunctions of Judaism.”

The doctrine of Neturei Karta says Jews cannot use human force to establish a Jewish state before the coming of the universally accepted messiah.

The group supports close ties with Arabs, particularly Palestinians, and rejects Zionism.

These asshats were at the Stand for Israel gathering in Washington in the spring of 2002, after the bloody, bloody weeks of daily terror attacks. 250,000 people went to Israel to show their support. These despicable human beings stood with the palestinians and protested our support. I walked by their area as a young man was wasting his breath arguing with these schmucks.

I rarely mention them, because their actions are so reprehensible to me. They want to believe that now is the wrong time for Israel, fine. Two Jews, three opinions, and all that. But to actively campaign against the Jewish state? With the enemies of Israel?

They’re going to have a lot to explain after they die, if you ask me.

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17 Responses to Can we please excommunicate these Jews?

  1. Eric J says:

    They’re the Jewish analog of Fred Phelps.

  2. Rahel says:

    I just wonder how their wives live with the stink.

  3. Joel says:

    Judenrat Kapos.

  4. Cynic says:

    In a video I saw, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss sounds just like Whiney Woody Allen.
    Maybe it was a purim spiel?

    What is it that they can declare that Jews are descendents of apes and pigs and still rub shoulders with them.

    Given what the Palestinians say:
    Abbas’ Fatah party, took credit for the foiled attack, referring to Jews as “descendants of monkeys” and the “dirtiest part” of humanity.

    What must they think of the Mullahs sitting down with the “dirtiest part”…?

  5. Ben-David says:

    I would love to see the looks on their faces when they realize that, despite their hasidic garb, they are occupying the same ring of Purgatory as George Soros.

  6. Scott says:

    You shouldn’t have to wait till they die for them to get what they deserve. In a sane world they would be jailed for treason. Then shot. Aiding and abetting such an enemmy as Iran is right up there with child abuse, rape and murder.

  7. Those were all American and British rabbis. Perhaps the Israeli ones knew that they’d be legally liable if they took the trip to hell Iran.

  8. Joel says:

    Every spring during the Salute to Israel Parade in Manhattan there is a group of Satmar/Neturei Karta Hassidim who show up along the parade route with their anti Israel placards. Usually they are right next to their Arab friends. I went over to one guy and never felt so tempted to punch a guy in the mouth and knock out a few of his teeth then that vile loathsome Hasid with his “ISRAEL = Nazi Germany” placard.

  9. Chez Diva says:

    I struggle to understand why there are people like these creeps. Don’t they understand that the Iranian government, specifically its president hates Israel and Jews? How can they embrace a group that denies that the holocaust ever existed and worse yet wants to see Israel wiped off the map? I just don’t get it.

  10. velvel of atlanta says:

    Lerner and Chomsky and nitwits, oh my!!! These clowns want a free peace…not one that takes any responsiblity. And they are smart but arrogant to think that vigilance is not needed.
    What have they learned from Tom Fox?

  11. M. Simon says:


    What they have learned is that those who wish for peace at any price will inherit the grave and they yearn for it.

    Self hatred is a rather common human trait. Why should Jews be exempt?

    BTW I like the kapo idea. Perhaps some signs at the next demo?

  12. Harry says:

    I like to think of these people as the “B’nei Korah”. Let us all pray that they all meet the same fate.

  13. The Doctor says:

    These are the same people who blame zionist settlers of the 20’s for the Holocaust. And they insist they are more Jewish than we are because of blacker hats or longer beards or whatever…

  14. David72 says:

    I’m curious, Meryl. Was the fellow you saw arguing with the asshats arguing in English? Did the asshats speak American with American accents or were their accents Israeli? Instead of ranting, Meryl, do some research and tell us just who is this “Rabbi” Weiss. My information is shaky but I’m told that these folks are originally unaffiliated American BTs. I’m told that they don’t really represent anyone but themselves while ordinary N’turei Karteniks are content to stay home, shirk their military duty and sponge off the sinful Jewish State.

  15. Do some research? Certainly. My going rate is $100/hour for research. It generally takes me 2-4 hours to research a 750 word piece, plus another hour or two to write it, depending on how heavily it needs to be edited. Sometimes, the words just don’t flow. Then there’s the fee for the finished product. Let’s say $1,000.

    Deposit half the amount in my Paypal or Amazon tipjars, and tell me when you want it.

    Failing that, feel free to research the subject yourself, write the post exactly as you want it, and put it up on your own blog.

  16. David72 says:

    Sheesh! I read all three parts of your bio, Meryl, and I didn’t see anything about snippy.
    As for excommunication as it refers to Satmar, there is no need. If courageous Mod Orthodox and Conservative rabbis proscribed Satmar shechita–and there are several legitimate reasons to do so in Jewish law–it would bring them quickly to heel. Unfortunately, courageous rabbis is an oxymoron.

  17. So explain to me, David, why you couldn’t say that in the first place, and instead, chose to write an obnoxious comment.

    I think you are laboring under the misconception that I have any intention of being annoyed in my comments threads. You had better read the comments policy, and attend to it, or you will not be commenting here any longer.

    Those posts are not my “bio.” They are simply a few facts about me. Do not presume to think that you know me because you read some things that I wrote.

    In fact, you would do well not to presume with me at all.

Comments are closed.