Mystery Poison

Mahmoud Abbas continues to suggest that Arafat was poisoned by Israel without directly accusing Israel of it:

Palestinian leaders still suspect Yasser Arafat died of poisoning, President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview published on Friday.

But in the absence of proof, Abbas told the London-based newspaper al-Hayat he did not intend to accuse anyone of killing Arafat, who died in Paris aged 75 in November 2004.

“Question marks have been raised about Israel. But I cannot accuse it before I am certain and have proof,” he said.

“We have suspicions that Yasser Arafat might have been murdered by poison. We don’t have any proof. So I have said that the file is open until we know the truth,” Abbas said.

There’s one problem with the Undetectable Poison Theory, Abbas: There’s so many Palestinian thugs, criminals, terrorists, figureheads, and all-around scumbags deserving of death out there. If the Israelis went through the time and expense to come up with a toxin that could not be detected or traced, why haven’t they been using it on leaders of Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Fateh instead of relying on airstrikes?

Or is the embargo of food at the Karni Crossing just a ploy to deplete food stocks in Gaza so that food laced with The Magic Zionist Slow-Acting Stealth Poison can be shipped in through the UNRWA?

Ah, those clever sneaky Zionists. If only The Joker had contracted out to them, he’d have beaten Batman and taken over Gotham decades ago.

The only poison here is the same old keg of Palestinian Rhetoric. And the world is greedily sucking it down, quaffing it with huge swallows, and then wiping its lips and demanding more of that delicious hate-juice.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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One Response to Mystery Poison

  1. Joel says:

    He should have died of 7.62 mm lead posioning years ago.

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