Random girl talk thought

You know, if women went into season the way certain animal species did, for only a few weeks a year, we wouldn’t have cramps every 21-28 days.

Not to mention all the other stuff that comes with.

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10 Responses to Random girl talk thought

  1. Rahel says:

    Ouch. Feel better, Meryl!

  2. Lizzie says:

    But then we’d only have the delights of men pursuing us once a year, while we were in season. Hmmm … perhaps not such a bad idea! (It’d certainly save a lot of trouble.)

    At least you have a pair of lovely kitties to make you feel better. Cats always work for me!

  3. chsw says:

    Ladies, if you went into season once a year, us men would become even more brutish and solitary than we are now. Moreover, while you might be amused at men fighting over you, remember that the dominant male mates with every lioness of the pride, and polygyny is the rule for social animals where the female goes into season.


  4. Imagine the commercials during that time.

  5. The Doctor says:

    Way too much information…even in my line of work…

  6. cervus says:

    If we had a mating season like deer did, I think that the entire world would stop for three months while we as a species focused on the all-important necessity of reproduction.

    I also imagine that men would be much more agressive than they are now–only a limited chance! And there would actually be a much greater degree of sexual segregation outside the season–again, like deer.

    A female friend of mine was very candid–and graphic–about what she goes through every month. I have nothing but respect for that.

  7. But who will clean off the blood and human debris from the office furniture during that season? (Spoken like a true male c.)

    Or, maybe, the male hierarchy in a specific organization will be respected re the… er… pecking order?

    Hmm… There is some sense in this idea but it should be developed further.

  8. Then again, the mating dance of the male human could be devastating to behold.

    I mean, you’re not all Napoleon Dynamites. (Thank the Lord.)

  9. On the gripping hand, females in heat tend to be indiscriminate in their partners…

  10. The Doctor says:


    Where was that info when I was single

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