Random femininity thought

It’s a good thing that we shave our legs and tweeze our eyebrows. Could you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be if those processes had been reversed?

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3 Responses to Random femininity thought

  1. Tara says:

    Actually they make a machine that basically plucks your legs. It’s called ‘epi-something.’ It whirrs really fast and pulls out all the hair.

    I bought one in high school. I got all the way through one leg and half way through the next before I just couldn’t any more. It was *so* painful.

    I gave it to my best friend, who had been using a different version of the same thing, and she was pleased because it was less painful that what she’d been using.

    She did promise me that if you kept doing it, your legs got used to it and it would stop hurting so much.


  2. The Doctor says:

    Speaking for all the guys, this is WAY too much information…

  3. You have no one to blame but yourself, Doc. We didn’t tell you to read the comments.

    At least we haven’t mentioned Those Annoying Hairs. (Women know exactly what I’m talking about.)

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