
No. Effing. Way. Hubris is a Days fan. (You are not looking for logic in soap operas, are you? I mean, really. Logic. In. Soap. Operas. They effing have people coming back from the dead on a regular basis, looking completely different, taller, shorter, different eye color, thinner, fatter, and the people they loved just buy into it.) And Days is the worst of them all. Marlena was possessed by the devil, let us not forget. Excorcist-style. Floating over the bed.)

I’d better stop now.

Anyway, Hubris. Funny. Very, very funny. Go read.

Haveil Havalim is up. I had to find out from Instapundit, though. I didn’t get the email. SoccerDad doesn’t love me anymore. Sniff.

So is the Carnival of the Cats.

Feel free to put up a link to a blogger or post you think people here would like. That means you can plug your own posts, too.

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4 Responses to Links

  1. Hubris says:

    In my defense I can at least claim that my love affair with Days peaked in the 80s and ended in the early 90s (when I graduated from college). You know, back when it was a sober, extremely realistic drama, not the pale and forced imitation that it is now.

    Actually, Days and Another World probably formed my earliest perspectives on love and relationships when I was a small child, which probably explains a lot about my later life.

    On a related note, I’m almost finished with my diorama depicting Shenanigans, the bar featured in Days, complete with 1985-era decor and a slapfight in progress.

  2. No way. Not AW, too! Because I got hooked on that when I started taping episodes for a friend back in the day when not everyone had a VCR, and I slowly got pulled into the world of the Corys and the Loves.

    Donna Love was my absolute. favorite. character. ever. She’s just as big a jerk on AMC, and I still love her.

    Now I watch AMC and/or OLTL, both of which have refugees from AW and Days. Well, and all the other soaps, actually.

    Hubris, you really would be husband material if only you lived a little closer and were, well, Jewish.

    Then again, there’s always conversion.

  3. Hubris says:

    We could have been the next Patch and Kayla!

    (except I have both my eyeballs)

  4. Hm. Kayla, hey?

    Well, there really isn’t a single worthwhile female role model on Days. They’re all whiny little wussies that have to rely on and be rescued by their menfolk.

    It’s Donna or Vicki Love for me, or nobody.

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