The ICRC to accept Magen David Adom

It looks like the ICRC really is going to accept Israel as a member after all.

Israel’s rescue service on Tuesday welcomed the intention of the international Red Cross to introduce a new emblem that will pave the way for Israel’s inclusion into the lifesaving organization.

Switzerland will host a diplomatic conference in early December to approve the proposed new emblem, to be called the red crystal. The conference is expected to resolve a long-running dispute between Israel and the international Red Cross.

[…] The red crystal depicts a square standing on one corner, with a blank white interior and a thick red border. Dr. Noam Yifrach, chairman of Magen David Adom, said Israeli aid workers would be able to insert a Star of David symbol into the crystal when working overseas.

Looks like the Swiss weren’t just blowing smoke when they said they’d work to get Israel into the family of nations. Where she belongs, I might add.

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5 Responses to The ICRC to accept Magen David Adom

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Does this mean that the square will be the generic symbol and each nation will insert its own national symbol in the middle? Or is it a way of pretending to have the Magen David Adom able to be inserted but then claim that it is an invalid usage when the Israeli medical teams are fired upon.

  2. Don’t count your jihadis before they explode. The ICRC will be forced to knuckle under to their moon-flag members when they throw out yet another roadblock.

    My prediction is that they will balk at the use of armored ambulances and bulletproof vests among the MDA as well as radios that communicate on IDF frequencies. That’s the way the Canadian government and the Canadian Red Cross justified their bigotry against MDA when their own resident Islamist population shrieked holy hell.

  3. segacs says:

    Israel is not being accepted as an equal, because the magen david symbol adom is not being accepted. This is the sort of compromise that just tells these clowns it’s ok to have double standards when it comes to Jews.

  4. Yehudit says:

    A red crystal? What’s up with that?

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Wait till fifty some Muslim countries threaten to leave if MDA is admitted. The ICRC will change its mind PDQ.

    It’s not the Magen David that is the problem, it’s having to associate with Jews.

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