Mahmoud Abbas, terrorist

The PA has never been anything but a terror organization, and yet, the world insists that its leaders are not murderers.

Voice of Palestine Radio, the official voice of Mahmoud Abbas’s
Palestinian Authority, declared Sunday night that both of today’s attacks on
Israelis were carried out by members of the Fatah organization headed by PLO
leader Abbas.

At least three people were murdered and another five wounded-including
women and children– in the two drive-by shooting attacks that took place
within minutes of one another: one on a group of civilians at a bus-stop
south of Bethlehem, the other on the road between Jerusalem and Nablus.

“Both armed attacks were carried out by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
which are part of the Fatah Movement,” asserted Voice of Palestine, which,
along with the other Palestinian media stressed that the attacks were on
“mustawtaneen”-the Arabic word for settlers.

The murders were not condemned by the official Palestinian media or any
Palestinian officials who have generally called such previous attacks on
“settlers” a legitimate form “resistance” to occupation.

Dr. Abbas and his aides also did not condemn the kidnap murder three
weeks ago of a Jerusalem man, Sasson Nuriel, who was tortured by
Palestinian terrorists from the Hamas organization and then made to read a
“confession” that was filmed and distributed on Hamas websites.

I wonder if we’ll find out that he ordered the attacks, just as Arafat used to order attacks on Jews, then declare (only in English) that they were “not helpful to the palestinian cause,” all the while in Arabic praising the “martyrs” and “heroes” who committed “these brave acts.”

Yeah, it takes a hell of a lot of bravery to drive past a hitchiking stand and gun down defenseless civilians. Gee, those brave Muslim warriors. The world must quake at their deeds.

That’s why every time they come up against a real army, like the IDF or the US Armed Services, they get their asses kicked.

Murdering bastards.

Faster, please.

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