Saturday catblogging

Long-time readers know that Tig and Gracie are pretty much polar opposites. Tig is a big goofball who is friendly with everyone, eats just about anything, will turn over and give his belly to anyone to rub (the slut!), and acts, come to think of it, more like a dog than a cat, mostly.

Meantime, Gracie is a Cat, and you have to put the emphasis on the capital-C. Cat. She is finicky. She is quirky. She will do the opposite of what you ask her to do. She is timid (though she’s gotten braver) and will run and hide from strangers, especially strangers of the child variety.

Today, both of them were captured in pictures that showcase their natures. I give you Exhibit T: Tig the Goof.

Tig with a goofy look on his face

That was supposed to be a picture of what I’m greeted with when I first walk in the door–Tig in his kitty condo. He supplied the goofball look for free.

Now, Exhibit G: Gracie as living art.

Gracie looking like a gorgeous statue

Two cats, the same day, with the same camera, about two hours apart. That’s why I never get bored with these two. Of course, Gracie does have her rare goofball moments. And Tig has his dignity from time to time. But mostly, this is them. At this very moment, Gracie is sitting regally two feet away from Tig, who is on his back, belly out, one hind foot sticking up in the air.


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3 Responses to Saturday catblogging

  1. stacella says:

    I absolutely love this layout.

    You have two of the most photogenic cats in the blogoshphere. Especially Queen Gracie.

  2. harrison says:

    Even I gotta’ admit Gracie is one classy lookin’ fe-lyin’. Tig–not so much.

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