Around the blogosphere

I haven’t been linking Ocean Guy lately. I am fixing that error now. Solly’s right, this map post and this one are extraordinary in their simplicity.

Solomon, as usual, makes me wonder how he has time for anything but blogging. Good answer to the idiot Islamic representative in this post.

Also via Solomon, someone new for the blogroll. Adloyada is obviously an Apprentice of Juvenile Scorn:

Is there some malady called Israel Dependency Syndrome down there? I mean, what liberation movement worth its salt feels powerless to control its own people unless the former brutal occupying oppressors first make the arrangements for the celebration party and related outing in the park?

Neo-neocon found an article from 1961 about the palestinian refugees, showing that it’s been a neverending victimhood enforced by the Arab nations and the UN.

Judith, as always, is on a roll. No single link, just go read.

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One Response to Around the blogosphere

  1. Cynic says:

    People must have read this Post by
    “Why Palestinians Still Live in Refugee Camps”

    “As the PLO slogan goes, A Palestinian refugee never moves out of his camp except to return home (ie, to Israel). ”

    “It’s not surprising that the PLO vehemently opposed this program – after all, former residents of a refugee camp, now living in a nice home in a new neighborhood, would have a stake in supporting peace and opposing violence, exactly the opposite of the PLO’s strategy.

    What is perhaps surprising is that the United Nations also opposed the program, and passed harsh resolutions demanding that Israel remove the Palestinians from their new homes and return them to the squalid camps. For example, UN General Assembly Resolution 31/15 of Nov. 23, 1976:

    Calls once more upon Israel:

    (a) To take effective steps immediately for the return of the refugees concerned to the camps from which they were removed in the Gaza Strip and to provide adequate shelters for their accommodation;

    (b) To desist from further removal of refuges and destruction of their shelters.

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