Short week tired Monday morning briefs

The noose tightens around Hezbollah: So, as the UN actually accomplishes something, the committee investigating Rafik Hariri’s death is closer and closer to naming Hezbollah as the perpetrator. The question is, will Hezbollah take Lebanon down over the results? Secondary question: Will anyone accuse Hezbollah of being in violation of multiple UN resolutions/directives the way they always accuse Israel? (Of course that was rhetorical. I’m tired, not stupid.)

If it’s so ineffective, why do they keep writing about it? Every time I read a Stuxnet article, the experts are all, “This is so cool, it would be so awesome if it worked” and the experts in the article are all, “But it didn’t work, ’cause we know all about it now, and the Iranians are still on-target for nukes,” and yet—now they’re saying the Iranian nuclear problems could very welldue to Stuxnet. If you ask me, they just don’t want to give Israel any credit. (Yes, that was sarcasm. I’m tired, not cynical. Oh, wait. I’m cynical. Never mind.)

It’s the Jew-hatred, stupid: Barry Rubin catches the Iranian government backing a pro-Nazi website. Not neo-Nazi. Nazi. But sure, they want nukes for peaceful reasons. Here’s hoping that Stuxnet was only one of a series. (That was sincere. I’m tired, but never too tired to tell Jew-haters to go eff off.)

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