The Which Quiz-Taker Are You? Quiz

Meryl Yourish completed the quiz, “Which Quiz Taker Are You?”

You are a person who usually finds these quizzes an utter waste of time. When you do find one that you want to take, you wind up thinking, “Well, that was stupid!” when you get the result you didn’t expect or, more likely, “What an effing piece of crap quiz!”

You find yourself always just a little out of step with other quiz-takers, and wonder why so many people devote so much time to so little outcome. But then, you also watch cooking infomercials, so you really have no reason to feel superior to the quiz-takers. You also realize that if you were in your tweens or twenties, you’d probably take every quiz that comes your way. But because you’re now old and crabby, you want to suck the joy out of everyone else who thinks that taking quizzes is a fun way to blow five or ten minutes.

Famous quiz takers who got your results: H.L. Mencken, P.T. Barnum, Mark Twain, the crabby old lady who lives on the corner, and your father.

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2 Responses to The Which Quiz-Taker Are You? Quiz

  1. Sarah G. says:

    I got “You go halfway through most quizzes until you find them too asinine to continue.”

  2. David C. says:

    Just a little fed-up with Facebook, are we?

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