Tuesday morning snark news

Psych! Iranian Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, the man who said that Iran was a friend to all people, says it was all just a sneaky form of psychological warfare. Those wily Persians. They want us to think that Iran is friendly to Israel because—because—well, the theory breaks down here, but never mind. It’s still psychological warfare that shows the superiority of the Iranian regime. Excuse me while I snicker quietly over here. Update: Whoops, it didn’t work. The guy was fired.

Hypocrisy alert: Egypt lectures Israel on ethics. Really, can you stomach this bull? Egyptian negotiators are telling Israel that it is “unacceptable from a moral and human point of view” for Israel to demand the deportation of convicted terrorist murderers. This, mind you, is the country that regularly murders African refugees on its borders. Shoots them in the back, even.

Hizbullah to UNIFIL: How dare you do your job? Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll stop doing it. They’ll be back to their anti-Israel selves fairly quickly.

Red on Red: Hamas blew up a Dahlan wedding. Or maybe it was another Palestinian clan. You really can’t tell in that miasma of blood-debts and tribalism that is the Gaza Strip. What you can say is that it’s barbaric and cruel, and will not be covered by the same wire services that rush to cover every instance of a Palestinian stubbing his toe at an Israeli checkpoint.

I hate to say this, but the judge is right: Bill White, disgusting neo-Nazi, had his charges dismissed on First Amendment grounds. And I have to say that I have finally come to the conclusion that hate crimes laws are wrong. Which leads me to wonder: When the Senate hate crimes legislation is written into law, and they go after White again, will the new Supreme Court (presumably with Sotomayor aboard) find them unconstitutional?

I want my plan and I want it NOW: Whoops. Looks like Obama may have to wait for ObamaCare, after all. Even the Dems are pushing back at the plan. And tonight, a primetime news conference to interrupt—well, it’s rerun season, so who cares? If someone will pay me, I’ll listen to the news conference. No, strike that. I think I’ll watch it anyway—if Tapper’s there, there will be at least one great question. Jake Tapper is the best MSM journalist around today. If you’re not paying attention to him, you should be. He is one of the truly objective reporters on air or off.

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