Chas Freeman’s out; watch him blame the Jews

Politico says Charles Freeman will not be the new chair of the NIE. (H/T: Hot Air.)

Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair announced today that Ambassador Charles W. Freeman Jr. has requested that his selection to be Chairman of the National Intelligence Council not proceed. Director Blair accepted Ambassador Freeman’s decision with regret.

I know this is like shooting fish in a barrel, but watch for the left to blame neocons, the Israel Lobby, and, well, Jews in general—even though Freeman’s pro-Saudi and pro-Chinese ties were obvious for anyone who could see past the veiled anti-Semitism of Freeman’s supporters.

I’ve been writing about Jewish and Israeli issues on this blog since the spring of 2002. This is the first time I’ve ever felt troubled about being a Jew in America. It’s bad enough that Jews the world over are being targeted, beaten, bullied, and boycotted.

I’m starting to get very tired of reading in about the Israel/Zionist/neocon control of America in the American media. I expect that sort of crap from Europe and the Arabs. I’m starting to expect it here, now. No, it isn’t “starting.” It’s now in the realm of “So what else is new?”

Seven years this spring, I’ve been writing about Jews, Israel, and anti-Semitism. The only thing that’s changed is how far-reaching the acceptance of Jew-hatred has become.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Jew Cooties, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Chas Freeman’s out; watch him blame the Jews

  1. Grantman says:

    Meryl – Contentions has covered this fairly well. JPod had a great post on it:

    You called it…but it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

    LOL! Watch for the fallout.

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