Double decker kitties

Tig and Meimei are now playing regularly, so much so that I have to wonder if the screeches I hear are real or play screeches. Sometimes, Meimei gets a beat-down from Tig.

Tig and Meimei

It is an utter hoot to see them wrestle. Three and a half pounds vs. nineteen. And Meimei seems to win a lot.

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2 Responses to Double decker kitties

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Tig’s letting her win. Nice that he’s not too old to play, cat-style.

    Tig looks like he’s about to fall through something. I know cats can sleep anywhere but that position seems ludicrous.

  2. I know, it looks like that thing is going to rip, but it’s been like that for ages and shows no sign of wear. It sags because Tig is a bit heavy, but it would sag no matter if he were only 12 pounds. It’s possible it might break soon, though, because Meimei goes on it now, too, and she’s a kitten. They claw everything.

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