Meimei’s newest thing

She likes to sleep leaning against my foot.

Meimei on my foot

Not ON my foot. Leaning against it. She is on my lap as I write this post, and she has just discovered my Star of David necklace.

It appears we are in the discovery phase of kittenhood.

I’m so happy I got her. She and Tig are getting along great. They’ve started to play together, and watching a three-pound kitten jump at a twenty-pound Maine Coon is hilarous. I have a shot of the two of them together. They’re not quite at the cuddle stage, but I think they’ll get there.

Tig and Meimei

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2 Responses to Meimei’s newest thing

  1. John F. MacMichael says:

    So sweet! I hope the three of you have many happy years together.

  2. Herschel says:

    They look so happy together, Meimei coming from a feral background is very fortunate to have been adopted into your loving home!

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