Home at last

I brought Tig home from the vet today. Had to rush him back in last week for more kidney stone issues. I borrowed an exercise pen from Sarah, who has Dachshunds, and put it across the kitchen area so Tig could have a more spacious area than the guest room bathroom. He was unimpressed. Since he’s figured out how to get out of the Cone of Shame (seven times now) so that only duct tape stops him from escaping, he put his Tig brain to work trying to figure out how to get out of this cage. And almost figured it out. Sarah tied the cage to the far cabinet, so that when Tig pushes against it, the cabinet closes, not opens. But he’s smart. He found the weakest spot. Thankfully, not smart enough.

Tig in prison

He’s back in the guest room bathroom now, because I need to sleep without hearing him yowl. Which he will.

Tig is much, much better, and I am much, much happier as a result.

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3 Responses to Home at last

  1. Herschel2 says:

    Meryl, I have been following the adventures of TIG [2 and 3] for many years now, I am glad he is getting better and that you are feeling the happiness of his recovery!
    Keep up the good fight!

  2. Thanks, Herschel.

    The dumbass managed to land in the toilet this morning. I forgot to close the one in the half-bath where he is now caged. Oops.

  3. Rahel says:

    I’m so glad Tig is feeling better. Please keep us posted.

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