Aunt Meryl Mode

I’ve been in Aunt Meryl Mode since yesterday noonish. My friends are out of town for their anniversary, and I have the two younger kids (11) under my roof while the older boys (17 and 14) spend the nights and days at home on their own. It’s been a busy couple of days. I worked a half-day today as well, and will work a full one tomorrow. But the kids will be heading home mid-morning or so.

We’ve watched a few movies, popped some popcorn, built a fort in my living room out of the sofabed, the exercise machine, a chair, and some blankets, and made a fair amount of mess. Oh, and since big brother was going to play D&D today, I picked up second-oldest and they asked me about my D&D books and accessories, so I dug them out and gave the three younger ones a fast lesson and set them a task. They were vastly amused, especially when second-oldest lost a charisma roll and nearly got beat up by a bar full of locals. I’ve forgotten so much, though… I forgot how freaking complicated the game used to be. And I seem to have lost a boatload of dice in the past couple of decades. Oh, well. You can’t go backwards. I’ll probably wind up giving the books and stuff to the kids. I don’t see any reason to hang onto it myself.

It’s been a busy and full couple of days. And yet, I’m sure I’m not going to enjoy the quiet for more than an hour or two before I start missing having kids in the house.

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