Palestinian “journalists”: Aiding and abetting terrorists

Video proof that Palestinian journalists work hand in hand with Palestinian terrorists to attack the IDF:

The Newseum was all set to honor two members of Hamas killed during Operation Defensive Shield–because they were supposedly journalists. Propagandists for a terror organization? Didn’t matter, until the outrage raised by people offended shamed the Newseum into withdrawing their names from its journalist memorial. They were originally going to place these terrorists’ names on the same wall with Daniel Pearl–and took their sweet time deciding that maybe “journalists” for a terror organization weren’t the same as journalists who actually report the news and don’t take part in fighting, or being cover for those fighting.

But here, in this video, we have proof that Palestinian journalists are part of the ongoing war against Israel. Note their very large vests with the word “Press”. Note how the terrorist with the molotov cocktail hides behind one of them before he launches his firebomb. Note how the rock throwers hide behind the “journalists” to shield themselves from the IDF.

Why are so many Palestinian journalists injured or killed? Because they’re not journalists. They are helping the Palestinians attack Israelis. That makes them enemy combatants.

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