A new year, a new direction

L’Shana Tovah tikatevu to all of my Jewish readers. A sweet and happy new year to you and your families.

I don’t know what you’re going to see here when you come back from the holiday. My final cover design is due today, and I will be working over the weekend to finalize the print version of Darkness Rising, the first book in The Catmage Chronicles. If all goes well, I will be publishing it next week.

I will definitely be blogging at my new site, where you are all welcome to drop by and see what’s happening. I will not be blogging about Jewish and Israeli issues there. And I have not decided what to do about this blog. I find that after eleven years, I can’t give up what I was doing or post on someone else’s blog under a pseudonym. I tried. I just couldn’t do it.

I strongly suspect that I am going to use this blog for the politics, and that one for the writing. But I don’t know when that will happen. So just come along with me for the ride, and be patient.

So have a wonderful holiday, and come back and see what happens. I’m rather interested in finding out, myself. I have never been so indecisive in my life. This is a huge, huge turning point, and it’s taking a lot of time and thought. Bear with me, people. You’ve been here for a long time, and I’m not going anywhere. Plus, well, my snark is part of my DNA. It will be with me wherever I go.

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One Response to A new year, a new direction

  1. Herschel2 says:

    Meryl, first and foremost a happy, healthy, and successful New Year ahead.
    I have grown accustomed to viewing your blog and the skillful way you have been able to expose the bias that seems ubiquitous whenever Israel is mentioned in the news. I hope you still find time to do so in the future and provide this valuable service as a counter to the Israel bashing that goes on daily. It is very easy to get burnt out providing the needed counter argument, and maybe a respite is in order, but I hope you will continue the good, and needed fight!

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