It’s my Tiggerversary!

Baby Tig

Four years ago today, I was looking for a Maine Coon mix at Wendy’s Feline Friends, when I found not one, but TWO orange males. That pretty much ended my work for the day; I called my supervisor and told her I was off to find my next Tigger. And find him I did. Tig 3.0 succeeded Tigger 2 after four months of sadness with no Tigger in my house. He far exceeded my expectations. He is the funniest, most affectionate, silliest, happiest cat I’ve ever had. Every morning, he runs down the hall making his mrowr-mrowr-mrowr noise that indicates he’s happy. Every night while I’m brushing my teeth, he runs down the hall making his happy noise because he knows I play with him before going to sleep. And then there are the times when I’m downstairs watching TV and he wakes up and runs down the stairs making his happy noise because he’s happy and wants to let the world know it.

Yesterday, after dinner, we were sitting on the deck, where I am fighting a losing battle in trying to keep him from chasing the birds. Yesterday morning he amused me greatly by doing his left-paw, right-paw routine on his kitty shelf. When he wants to wash his front paws, he lies on his back and washes the left one. Then he turns over to the other side (still on his back) and washes the right one. Then he switches again. He does this for a few minutes, and it always makes me laugh because it seems like an awful lot of work to wash his paws instead of, say, lifting them from a sitting position, like Miss Gracie does. But Tig is my goofball. That’s his job: To make me laugh. He’s very good at it. And here he is, on that shelf, cleaning his paws:

What a happy day!

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3 Responses to It’s my Tiggerversary!

  1. Rahel says:

    Hugs to Tigger, and Happy Tiggerversary!

  2. annoyinglittletwerp says:

    I can’t say it any better than Rahel!

  3. Pamela says:

    Orange striped Kittiez are the best.
    Especially Tigger cats

    Orange says Hey

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