Passover links

Juvenile Scorn mastery in Ynet.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the international outcry against Hamas over this.

Awesome. The Egyptians are eating their own. (This is after the Salafist candidate got disqualified because–hold onto your hats–his mother was an American.)

Barry Rubin on the whitewashing of the Muslim Brotherhood, which he predicted months ago, as I recall. And he notes the reason for America’s decline in the Middle East over the last three years. Take a guess. Go ahead, take one.

So who is trying to stop Egyptian Christians from visiting Jerusalem during Easter? That would be other Egyptian Christians. Gee. I wonder why they don’t want their people going to Jerusalem. Could it be because when they come home, they will be accused of being Israeli “collaborators”? And what do they do to Israeli “collaborators”? See the second entry above.

This is what happens when I wake up too early. I have extra time to post before services and breakfast.

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