Tuesday, briefly

Of course they do: Hamas is blaming Israel for the deaths of three children who burned to death in a fire caused by candles being used since the electricity was cut. And why was the electricity cut? Because Hamas refuses to take fuel deliveries through Israeli crossings, and Egypt refuses to send fuel via their crossing. But it’s Israel’s fault. Watch for the media to push the Hamas line. However, Gazans know it’s Hamas’ fault.

Even the CSM says Obama is sabotaging Israel: When even the CSM says that Obama is doing everything he can to make sure Israel can’t launch an attack on Iran, I start to believe it.

Smart power! This is what happens when you embrace the Muslim Brotherhood: You get exactly what you asked for. And the New York Times trying to show how the Islamists in the Brotherhood are better than the non-brotherhood Islamists. As for Egypt’s seculars and Christians, well, good luck with that. Islamists are destroying the Middle East’s oldest Christian communities. The Copts were there before the Muslims, not that anyone seems to care about a fact like that. After all, it’s not like they’re claiming to be Palestinians or something like that.

Iran and Syria, sittin’ in a tree: Yes, the Iranians are helping the Dorktator massacre his people. They know how to do it. They did it themselves the first year Obama was in office. And he’s doing about the same in Syria as he did in Iran. Awesome.

Pigs are flying (but they’re kosher ones): The ICC says it can’t investigate PA charges of war crimes in Gaza because there is no such state as Palestine, and they can only conduct investigatiosn by states. This, of course, is a preview of what happens after they get a state. Count on them to conduct investigations going all the way back to Deir Yassin, but certainly not the Hebron Massacre of 1929 (because Jews were killed by Arabs).

This entry was posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Tuesday, briefly

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    I doubt that the mass murder of doctors and nurses during the War of Independence will get much coverage either, or the massacre at the Etzion Bloc.

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