
Happy Caturday!

Gracie is now dividing her time between the box and her bed. No, she doesn’t care that it’s full of cat toys. That seems to make it more comfortable.

Gracie in her box

She’s a happy Gracie!

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2 Responses to Gracie-in-a-box

  1. Rahel says:

    [steps into frame]

    [holds out hand for sniffing]

    [skritch, skritch, skritch]

    [listens for purr; hears purr; smiles; keeps skritching]

    [hears noise from outside room; one last, quick skritch]

    [steps quickly through portal generated by imagination; returns home]

  2. Well, if you ever get to the Richmond area, that’s what will happen, once Gracie gets used to you. Shouldn’t take too long.

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