End of the work week briefs

But–but–Karl Vick said that Hamas and the PA would move towards peace! Ismail Haniyeh continues his Islamist victory tour of the Middle East (a.k.a. the “Show me the money!” tour), greeting cheering crowds in Tunisia and telling the AP that talks between the PA and Israel will lead nowhere. Considering he is now part and parcel of the PA (supposedly), he oughta know.

Obama is cutting jobs, not just the budget: Say, those huge defense cuts that Obama wants to implement? Besides cutting the manpower in the Army and Marines, don’t forget that army bases will close, cutting even more jobs. Somehow, that part of the story isn’t being written by anyone. I’m all for cutting waste, and even for getting the U.S. Army presence out of Europe. But I think it’s foolish beyond words to cut the Armed Forces manpower down to the levels Obama wants. Jimmy Carter did that, and look what happened on his watch.

Oh, look. Another suicide bombing in Syria: Reallly finding it hard to sympathize in any way, what with knowing how many people the Dorktator is responsible for blowing to pieces over the years. I doubt this will be the last suicide bombing in Syria.

Food for the Ronulan conspiracy nuts: The IDF and the U.S. European Command are gearing up for a major missile defense drill–in Israel. It is my fondest hope for my nephew the Marine that he gets to take part in next year’s exercise. (And if he does, you Israeli blogger friends of mine had best hide your daughters, because he is young, smart, handsome, and a United States Marine. The girls adore him.)

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One Response to End of the work week briefs

  1. Stretch says:

    There is NOTHING like U.S. Marine walking into a bar/restaurant/party wearing Dress Blues. All other males know they have just sunk to “also ran” status. Only those of use in full Highland Garb can hope to compete.

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