These are the days of my life

I’m still not going to go into details about what’s going on with my mother, except to say that I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But I did want to let you know that there have been issues for months, and if I am grumpier or more terse than usual, it’s because my life is a little tough right now. Helping my mother is taking most of my extra time. It’s about all I can do to take care of work and family. And Hulk Meryl is trying very hard to come out, but I am keeping her locked up tight until I need her. (One of my mother’s doctors is going to feel that wrath.)

I don’t even have the energy to put up Hanukka videos. Maybe you all can put some links in the comments.

I have two three-day weekends in a row. If my mom is better by the end of the week, I may be able to start coming back. But I’m a month behind on my novel now, and that’s going to come first.

Well, the good news is that even though I’m eating my high-fat, high-sugar comfort foods, I’ve only picked up about a pound or two, so I’m still down a net seven pounds. Back on the diet after the first of the year, maybe. But not until Mom’s better.

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One Response to These are the days of my life

  1. Russ says:

    A Hanukah video from Aish… from the people who did the Rosh Hashanah Rock Anthem.

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