Monday morning briefs

Good fences make good neighbors: Amos Harel writes how good fences are a good defense. Israel is building a fence along its desert border with Egypt. And the Syrian border has been improved:

After Palestinian and Syrian demonstrators managed to infiltrate the border during Nakba Day rioting, Ophir’s directorate was called in to repair the fence on the Golan Heights and the surrounding infrastructure, at a cost of some NIS 50 million.

Since then, Treiber says, “demonstrators have come from Syria, seen that the fence is impassable, and gone back.”

Time for another Karl Vick story on Israel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your sources blame the Mossad for the blast in Iran that killed a big gun in their nuclear weapons program. Count how many times he uses the words “coyly” to defend his lone source telling him it was the Mossad that did it. So now Time magazine thinks that if you have one unnamed source, and you quote Israeli newspapers, that’s as good as two sources. Awesome journalism there, Time. But we expect no less than the “Begin (rhymes with Fagin)” magazine of record. And we all know what Vick rhymes with.

The AP spin is back: Of course it is. It never left. The NGO bill in Israel, that would limit foreign moneys to political organizations, is described by the AP as Israeli “doves.” Because of course, the bill doesn’t stop money going to ALL foreign-sourced NGOs, just the “dovish” ones. And check out the summation of the Goldstone Report:

The bills were drafted after Israel-based groups funded by foreign sources gave critical testimony about Israeli military conduct during the 2009 war in the Gaza Strip to a U.N.-appointed commission. The panel concluded there was evidence Israel committed war crimes there, but the author of the report later toned down the criticism.

The fact that so many organizations are saying that the two bills, if passed, would be a death sentence on their NGOs tells you more than you need to know about them. Foreign agents in the U.S. have to register. Israel should have the same laws. Let’s stop pretending that these are Israeli groups, when they are clearly foreign-funded, foreign-sourced, and foreign-run.

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