Lazy Bar Mitzvah weekend post

Another bar mitzvah today. Nate did quite well, and I’m heading off to the party in a little while, where I may actually play Laser Tag and ride a go-kart. We’ll see.

His friends all decided to choose the row behind me this morning. I was standing on the end of my pew, and I watched them file in, and then said, “Boys, you don’t want to sit there. I really enjoy my worship. I am so going to turn around and glare at you when you start whispering…”

They all paused for a moment, then they stood up in unison and trooped over to the next section of pews.


I spoke to a few of them at the Oneg and explained that I wasn’t really mean, but I really did like worshipping without distractions. One of them said they were happy that I told them beforehand, because it cut down on problems later. Double heh.

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2 Responses to Lazy Bar Mitzvah weekend post

  1. Sarah G. says:

    Hey, they are smart boys. Each and every one is in the gifted program.

  2. Jay Tea says:

    Nothing like honesty. Well done.

    And why do I have my best ideas too late? Anyway, for next Halloween, get some of your younger relatives together and douse them thoroughly with cheap spray-on tans. When asked what they are, “We’re Orange Jews!”



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