Friday morning briefs

Baby Assad is shaking in his booties: Sic semper tyrannis, dude. The fall of Kadaffy is energizing the Syrian opposition. (Really, do all the news services have to run that gross picture of dead/dying Kadaffy? Yes, he deserved it, but—ew.)

Lebanon’s government threatens war with Israel: Hezbollah is now part and parcel of the Libyan government. So the head of a group that runs Lebanon just threatened to bomb Tel Aviv. What will we hear from the mainstream media about this? (I’m talking to you, AP writers and editors who read my blog.) Nothing. Or a whitewash. Watch.

The AP proves me wrong: Oh, look. They put out a story about A) Gilad Shalit’s despicable treatment by the Palestinians and B) the freed Palestinian terrorists are talking about kidnapping and killing more Israelis. Of course, B) is buried waaaay down in the story. So they released another story, this one centering around the woman who tried to murder Israelis after getting a compassionate visa to treat her burns in an Israeli hospital. Of course, only about 77 sites around the nation picked that story up. So here I must give a lot of the blame to the editors who ignore the stories the prove that mainstream Palestinians aren’t interested in peace. Only in pieces of Israelis.

So then you just admit you’re a moron? The Egyptian reporter who interviewed Gilad Shalit—surrounded by armed Hamas terrorists—says she didn’t know that he was coerced. Bullshit. They deliberately mistranslated his answers; she pushed and badgered him to say that Egypt was the wonderful, wonderful country that helped negotiate his release, and she knew he was supposed to be going home. Doesn’t fly, asshat.

This entry was posted in Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Friday morning briefs

  1. “Hezbollah is now part and parcel of the Libyan government. ”

    .. have not heard this *specifically*, only the al-Qaeda thing. and given Gaddafi’s long-standing anti-Berber posture, why was it ever necessary for, say, the CIA and Mister Sarko-zee to enlist help from bleeding, effing al-Qaeda? this does not bode well. likewise, the Americans seem more keen to oust First Optometrist Assad than the Israelis are. fact is, the Israelis have to actually *live* in the region .. and Junior is a known quantity. what comes after Assad? well, part of the picture will be Salafist factions, presently suppressed. a headache, sure !

  2. Oops. I meant to write “Lebanon.” Fixed now.

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