Scratch a liberal…

I lost another liberal friend today.

I put a link on Facebook to this article. He said that even though Dems get millions of dollars from Wall Street, the money doesn’t affect their votes. I told him he was naive. He responded with the typical “Rethuglican” accusations, and then decided to start in on Israel, because he knows it’s my blog topic.

Naive? Meryl, you must be blinded by the Tea. And while I’m in a frisky mood, give the Palestinians a state already! Doing otherwise will just confirm Israel as a fascist state.

At first, I just told him to read MEMRI and come back and tell me the Palestinians wanted a state. Then I told him to stop arguing with me on my FB thread. Then I got annoyed. I explained my background in all things Israel, all the reading and commenting and writing I’ve done these past nine years. I told him there was nothing he could say that I hadn’t heard before. I told him he should back off. And instead of backing off, he doubled down. This was the kicker. This was the friendship-ending statement.

You wonder why there are people who don’t like Israel; perhaps it’s the attitude their people carry around with them – we’re better than everyone else so we deserve more.

And then he tried to qualify it.

There’s plenty of this attitude to go around with Muslims and Christians as well so am not singling anyone out. I’m just not a big proponent of decision-making based on religious dogma, much less an entire nation basing their approach to governing on it.

Oh. Sure. He’s not singling anyone out. That makes it all better.

I told him that I hear that kind of thing from the Jew-haters. Then I called him a bigot. Then he called me a bigot. The Pee-Wee Herman defense, I call it: “I know you are, but what am I?”

Now you’re getting insulting and showing you’re a bigot as well. No, I most certainly am not a bigot in any way, shape, or form. I just prefer to use logic vs. dogma.

And there you have it. I am dogmatic. He is logical. I am a bigot. He is logical. Israel is a theocratic, fascist state. He is logical.

In all those bursts of logic, I have yet to find an answer as to why it’s okay to use the same arguments the Jew-haters have used about Jews for thousand of years. I note he didn’t accuse the Palestinians of having that attitude when he insisted that Israel shoulder all the burden for the lack of a Palestinian state. In fact, the only reason Muslims and Christians were brought into that statement was to disguise the naked Jew-hatred in it that even my ex-friend noticed.

Scratch a lefty, some of my long-time readers have said, and you will find an anti-Semite underneath.

You wonder why there are people who don’t like Israel; perhaps it’s the attitude their people carry around with them – we’re better than everyone else so we deserve more.

You know, that statement sure stinks to high heaven of anti-Semitism. Substitute “Jews” for Israel—oh, wait, the Israelis he was talking about are Jews—well. Then you get my drift.

Thus ends a friendship that began twenty-one years ago. Way to go, Mr. Spock. Your logic is impeccable. And it’s lost you a friend.

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2 Responses to Scratch a liberal…

  1. Jay Tea says:

    There’s an old saying I heard years ago — “if a friend owes you a hundred dollars and you never hear from them again, it was probably worth it.”

    I think a similar sentiment applies here.

    My sympathies. But you’re better off without that jackwagon in your life.

    On the other hand… there is a part of me that really wants the Palestinians to get a state, and soon, and with few preconditions or limitations.

    Because then their next terrorist attack constitutes an act of war, and Israel could react appropriately.


  2. Cynic says:

    I think it was Homer Simpson who said: “Facts are misleading, one can prove anything with facts”.

    Pity you didn’t tie that “friend” down to context and facts.
    By the way many of things they accuse Jews of is pure projection.
    I always smile to myself when I hear Brits complain of money grubbing Jews.
    Now after Lockerbie the cognitive dissonance must be debilitating.

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