Just in case you thought Mad Mahmoud wasn’t an antisemitic effer

Here’s what he told the WaPo the other day:

Why do you insist on constantly denouncing Israel and make such provocative statements if you want to work with the West?

If somebody condemns aggression, occupation — is that bad? And the Zionist regime is always doing the same thing. They destroy people’s homes and raze them to the ground. They have created a few major wars. They continue to assassinate and terrorize people; they continue their policy of coercion against other nations, including Iran. I think an important question that must be answered is, why do all U.S. administrations always support the Zionist regime? The United States is 10,000 kilometers away from Palestine, and other nations in the region are against the Zionists, but the United States and its allies in Europe continue to support the Zionist regime. Why? What is the relationship between these two countries? The United States has a population of 300 million and the whole population is going to be sacrificed for the interests of a few hundred Zionists. A dreadful party, a feared party, the party that was behind the First World War and the Second World War. Whenever there is a conflict or war — this party is behind it. The same party that made a grim picture of the United States in the world. Are the 300 million in the United States Zionists? Have you ever had a referendum in the United States that the people support the Zionist regime? Never. I think you should have a referendum in the United States to see if the people want to use their resources and taxes for a number of killers. We are against killing and massacres. We are against occupation. How do you feel about the upcoming debate at the U.N. over the creation of the Palestinian state? Do you favor the creation of the Palestinian state?

I hope that will happen very soon and that can be the beginning point. That should be the beginning of the liberation of the entire Palestinian land. The Palestinian nation existed before the Palestinians had unwanted guests pour into Palestine with guns.

Say, Juan Cole, tells us again how he really doesn’t hate Jews. Just Zionists. You know, the ones that started both world wars.

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2 Responses to Just in case you thought Mad Mahmoud wasn’t an antisemitic effer

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    I’ll take my chances with a referendum – Joooos, er I mean “Zionists”, vs. the people who danced in the street on 9/11.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    I think the Ayatollah’s Entity should have a referendum on whether or not the Iranian people wish to continue being governed by a religious dictatorship, its lifestyle police, and the bunch of effing nutters who are now in power. Since the effing nutters had to steal the last election to stay in power, I think I know how the vote would go.

    What did Israel ever do to Iran that Gorilla Boy and his compadres want to destroy the country and exterminate its Jewish inhabitants? Nothing. Israel’s only offense is that she exists. The Ayataollahs want to carry out genocide because they can’t stand Israel existing.

    I reckon Gorilla Boy is unable to comprehend how most American citizens are not disposed to sit around sucking their thumbs while another bunch of Nazi-wannabes carry out another genocide on the Jews. Something about a Niebuhrian progression may influence them. And for anyone who doubts that we would be next, what part of “Death to the Great Satan” do you not understand?

    As to the Palis asking the UN to make “Palestine” a member state, I don’t see why they can’t just declare themselves one based on the 1947 Partition Resolution. Oops, they rejected that resolution, so it no longer applies to them. Bad move Abdul, bad move.

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