Saturday Hurriblogging post

Irene is not yet here, but rain and wind gusts are. Feels like gusts are around 40mph. Steady rain. And judging from the traffic noise coming from the nearby highway, not too many people are too worried.

I will be indoors the rest of the day, with an occasional peek outside. I have my Flip video camera. If anything interesting happens, I’ll post the video.

Meantime, I have everything I need, the cats have everything they need, and we’re going to weather the storm in comfort if that blip from the APC wasn’t foreshadowing a power outage. And if the power does go out, well, I have an LED lantern, batteries, flashlight, book light, ice, coolers, propane grill, a bathtub full of water—yeah, I’m covered.

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3 Responses to Saturday Hurriblogging post

  1. Jay Tea says:

    But what’s the Jeep’s roof status?


  2. Hardtop. But it’s also in my garage. I live in a condo now, not an apartment, so I’m not worried about losing the Jeep top.

  3. Jay Tea says:

    I’m not worried about you or the cats — I know you’d have that covered — but the Jeep had me concerned.

    Us New Englanders should thank you Mid-Atlantic folks for… er… soaking up the brunt of Irene for us.


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