News briefs, now with stupid criminals

Heard this one on the news on the way to NorVA: A brilliant crook got a brilliant idea at the scene of the new Batman movie shooting in Pittsburgh. He figured he’d carjack a vehicle by opening the door and telling the driver to get out of the car and that it was all part of the movie. Except the driver was a plainclothes police officer keeping an eye on the set. Fail.

Yeah, Facebook may not be the best place to taunt police: Some idiot posted on his Facebook page where he was, and then told NYC cops “Catch me if you can.” They could.

Really? Think I’ll wait for a second source: The AP says Israel’s Channel 2 says that Netanyahu is ready to negotiate using the 1949 Armistice Lines—I mean, the 1967 lines—as a starting point. Yeah, I’ll wait until I see the news in more than the AP. Hell, Ha’aretz hasn’t even picked it up yet.

Another day, another kassam: This time, it hit a woman. A Bedouin. Who thinks it was the will of Allah. No, it was the will of her co-religionists in Gaza. Moron. By the way, the AP is not noting the near-daily rocket fire into Israel again. Because it’s not worth mentioning, just as the world is pretty much ignoring the daily slaughter of innocents by Syrian forces. But you just wait for the headlines the next time a Palestinian terrorist buys it.

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One Response to News briefs, now with stupid criminals

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Mery, Meryl, Meryl…again you fail to understand nuance. As far as the Arabs are concerned, it’s a cease-fire if they’re not shooting at Israelis as much as they were. Of course, if Israel shoots back it’s “yet another round in the cycle of violence that besets the war-torn land.”

    Is something going on in Syria? I wonder, because the mainstream media don’t seem to be saying a lot about it. Never fear, Meryl…the president and Hillary Clinton are on it, and they’re going to make everything better by engagement with Assad and, as Hillary says, present him with an alternative view of himself.

    When they succeed in doing that and unleashing his inner reformer, stand back.

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