Evil right-wing anti-Semite welcomed by Israeli Knesset

Glenn Beck is in Israel, and it’s funny, for a right-wing anti-Semite, he sure seems to love the Jews.

Wait, wait! I found the anti-Semitic quote:

“When these conditions appear, it’s always the Jews’ fault. It’s not about the Holocaust – the Holocaust was just the latest in a string of [anti-Semitic] events over thousands of years. The Holocaust is the most famous, the one they made movies about.”

You see? He’s blaming the Jews, he’s denying the Holocaust.

Oh. Wait. Here’s the whole quote.

Beck also warned that “anti-Semitism is going to go through the roof” due to the current economic climate.

“When these conditions appear, it’s always the Jews’ fault. It’s not about the Holocaust – the Holocaust was just the latest in a string of [anti-Semitic] events over thousands of years. The Holocaust is the most famous, the one they made movies about.”

Beck referred to his upcoming demonstration at the “original seats of power” in Jerusalem, titled “Restoring Courage,” and implied that it came to him in divine inspiration.

“Israelis may like to hear and see that you’re not alone,” he said. “There are millions of people [support Israel] that you don’t see, because the media doesn’t want to tell their story, either.”

Darn it! Those Media Matters people must have been lying to me when they told me Glenn Beck was a Jew-hater!

This is my favorite part of the whole article:

During the meeting, Beck leaned over and whispered to his assistant: “Can you believe how much God plays a role here?”

Yeah, that’s part and parcel of being Jewish. You can be a Jewish atheist, but then, you’re just a cultural Jew, which is to say, incomplete. In order to be a whole Jew, you have to accept God. And that means accepting Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people.

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