More Flotilla Folllies

Looks like Israeli diplomacy beat the Flotilla Fools: Herb Keinon on how Netanyahu’s diplomatic offensive was a large reason for the failure of Flotilla II. One big reason for the current success: Greece strengthened its ties with Israel as Turkey threw its own ties away. Silver lining, anyone? (Or: Hoist on their own petard. Sucks to be Turkey right now, doesn’t it?)

It’s not about the aid. It’s never been about the aid: The flotidiots now openly admit this isn’t about humanitarian aid:

“It is possible that this is under consideration but… that is not considered breaking the siege,” said Ewa Jasiewicz, one of the leaders of the Free Gaza Movement, which is in charge of the flotilla. “We want to break the siege and the flotilla is not about expanding the drip of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

Adam Shapiro admits on video that what the flotilla is really about is the end of the Jewish state.

Free Gaza is but one tactic of a larger strategy, to transform this conflict from one between Israel and the Palestinians, or Israel and the Arab world…to one between the rest of the world and Israel.

Read that link in full.

Send in the Spartans: The Flotilla Fools refusing to send the humanitarian aid via Greece. That’s because the flotilla isn’t about the aid; it’s an attack on Israel. Recent: The “Audacity of Hope” left port without permission, and the Greeks sent commandoes to board it and arrest the captain. They’re now threatening a hunger strike, and plotting their next move. Feel free, fools. I’m sure your hunger strike will be as meaningful as the Hamas prisoner hunger strike, where they’re sending back their prison food and eating their stored goodies that they bought in the canteen. Yes, Israeli prisons allow terrorists to buy goodies.

Out: Sailing to Gaza. In: Flying to Israel to go to Gaza. Yeah, the same people that brought you Flotilla I and II are going to fly into Ben-Gurion airport next week and try to get to Gaza that way. Good luck getting past the IDF, idiots.

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