Independence Day briefs

Puts new meaning into the song “Throw the Jews Down the Well,” doesn’t it? Medieval ethnic cleansing, by the Brits, with the horrific death of exposure/starvation as they threw an entire Jewish family down a well. Now that we’re in the 21st century, the Brits are trying to do it by proxy—via Hamas and the Palestinians. Oh, sorry, was that a really mean reference to the Gaza Flotilla? Why yes, yes it was.

Greece and Israel, sittin’ in a tree: This is why the flotidiots aren’t making it out of Greece legally. Much, much improved ties. The Greeks are training with the IAF now. And may we say: Yay. Now if only Greece could get a handle on its anti-Semitism, and its entitlement issues. This is the nation that gave us the Spartans, isn’t it?

Syrian army invades Hama—again: Yes, just like his daddy, Bashar al-Assad is willing to murder his countrymen to keep himself in power. Funny, I don’t see Roger Cohen (nothing at all lately) or Tom Friedman (nothing since May 21; three or more articles on Israel since then) writing about the rights of Syrians not to be murdered in their homes by the fascist dictator of Syria. They must be busy or something. They have more important things to write about. Like Israel, which is killing nobody these days.

Ha, ha. Hilarious: The Fox News Twitter feed was hacked, and a tweet about Obama’s supposed assassination went out. Utterly hilarious. Wow, those guys are funny!

Hurry, 2012: The Leviathan gas fields will be online by then, and it won’t matter how many times jihadis blow up Egypt’s pipeline that supplies Israel—and Jordan with natural gas. Of course, the jihads don’t care that Jordan loses out, too. They’re getting the Jews, and that’s all that counts. Awesomeness rules in Egypt since Mubarak was overthrown.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Independence Day briefs

  1. Mark James says:

    About Greece. Yes, the anti-Semitism is bad, but if they do Israel two favors by stopping two ships in the last two or three days, don’t they deserve it not being mentioned along with the thank you? The Greek leaders are really going out on a limb to befriend Israel, so the constant mentions of Greek antisemitism aren’t making it any easier for them, I think.

  2. No, Mark, I don’t think I owe the Greeks the courtesy of ignoring the vicious hatred they have for me and my people. It is something that must be faced down and removed from their society.

    The Greek leaders aren’t going out on a limb. It is a mutually beneficial relationship. Israel is helping Greece financially, and Greece is helping Israel with the flotilla. Don’t think they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Most nations act in their own self-interest first. No, make that, ALL nations act first in their own self-interest. The current relationship began with a chance meeting between Netanyahu and Popandreou at a Moscow restaurant, when Popandreou asked Netanyahu for financial advice. They’re now fast friends, and it’s to the advantage of both nations. But Greece still doesn’t get a pass. Not until I stop reading about synagogues attacked, and cemeteries desecrated, and Jews harrassed for being Jews.

  3. Mark James says:

    In the Mideast or Eastern Med region, any time another nation helps Israel, their leaders are going out on a limb. Not only do the leaders have to face down their own antisemites, but they risk incurring terrorist attacks by Muslims meant to teach them a lesson, and also the operation itself might be risky. For instance, handling shipping crates of ammo isn’t risk free as Cyprus found out. Now, for helping Israel out by confiscating Iranian weapons, and partly because of stupidity, Cyprus has lost the services of a $2 billion power plant supplying 60% of the island’s power, 12 people are dead, 60 are wounded, it will take a billion dollars to get the plant back online, a thousand people rioted and got into the presidential palace, two chief military officers resigned, and the president and his party will probably be out of power soon due to a recall election:

    Massive Blast Rocks Cyprus, President Calls it “Dark Day”

    Violent Protests In Cyprus Over Naval Base Explosion

    Monday’s explosion at the Evangelos Florakis naval base located between the southern coastal cities of Limassol and Larnaca had killed at least 12 people and injured more than 60. It also caused extensive damage to a nearby power station, leading to rolling power-cuts across the island nation.

    Some 5,000 demonstrators marched to the presidential palace in Nicosia, blaming the government led by President Demetris Christofias for negligence over the explosion.

    Police used tear gas to disperse the marchers after they attempted to storm the presidential palace. However, there were no immediate reports of any injuries or arrests despite violent clashes between protesters and the police.

    The explosion occurred at an arms dump in the naval base where weapons and munitions confiscated from an Iran-bound Syrian ship were stored. Cypriot authorities seized the vessel and its cargo in 2009 as it violated a U.N. arms embargo imposed on Tehran.

    The confiscated ordnance, comprising 100 containers carrying mostly gun power, was reportedly stored in an open field at the naval base since it was seized nearly three years ago. The explosion is said to have occurred when firefighters were battling a bush fire near the arms dump.

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