The Gaza Flotilla: Egotists, idiots, and Israel-haters

The second Gaza flotilla is now confirmed to be filled with people who care more about how the world perceives them than why they are actually attempting to break a naval blockade of a country run by terrorists devoted to the destruction of children. None of those quoted seem to have a grasp of the actual conditions in the Gaza Strip. No, this is the maritime equivalent of a vanity publication: Let’s get on a ship, get boarded by the IDF, and go to dinner parties for the rest of our lives telling our anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, liberal friends what brave, brave people we were to defy the soldiers of the racist, apartheid state of Israel—in international waters, no less!

Alice Walker is the most literate of the Flotilla Fools. She explains, via CNN, why she is doing this:

Our boat, The Audacity of Hope, will be carrying letters to the people of Gaza. Letters expressing solidarity and love. That is all its cargo will consist of. If the Israeli military attacks us, it will be as if they attacked the mailman. This should go down hilariously in the annals of history. But if they insist on attacking us, wounding us, even murdering us, as they did some of the activists in the last flotilla, Freedom Flotilla I, what is to be done?

Translation: Ooooh, look how brave I am. They might kill me, but I’m going anyway—to bring my valuable cargo of letters expressing solidarity and love

That’s funny. I thought the flotilla’s purpose was to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza. At the moment, The Audacity of Hope is stuck in a Greek port undergoing a seaworthiness exam. The crew now includes Ha’aretz’s most anti-Israel reporter, Amira Hass, who is documenting the daily routine of “What to do in case of an Israeli army attack” lectures.

There are nine other passengers in their sixties, and many others between 40 and 60.

So why are they doing this?

“I’m appalled, as are many friends and colleagues, by the conditions in Gaza and by the silence of the international community regarding the ongoing blockade in Gaza,” says Lyn Adamson, trying to explain why they are taking this calculated risk.

Adamson, 59, a Quaker from Toronto, is active in a number of social justice advocacy groups.

“In the absence of effective action by the international community to pressure Israel and Egypt to change their policies … we, at the grass roots, must take action,” she says.

Note the ridiculousness of the quotes. There is no humanitarian crisis. Gazans are now importing luxury cars through the smuggling tunnels, and building luxury hotels and malls. Israeli allows everything but weapons and construction material inside. Oh. Wait. They’re allowing construction material now, too. So why is the flotilla still coming? Let’s go back to Alice Walker again:

It is justice and respect that I want the world to dust off and put – without delay, and with tenderness – back on the head of the Palestinian child. It will be imperfect justice and respect because the injustice and disrespect have been so severe. But I believe we are right to try.

Ah. “Justice and respect.” This is how, she says, she is repaying her debt to the Jews who marched with Martin Luther King: By freeing the Gazans from oppression. Alice Walker is a deluded fool. The only oppression Gazans are suffering from is the oppression of Hamas rule. There was no blockade until Hamas took over the territory. Since that time, Sharia law has been slowly but surely enforced on the people of Gaza. Women are being forced to wear headscarves. Christians are being driven out; their churches and meeting centers bombed. Segregation of the sexes is being enforced. Has Alice Walker written a word about that?


The term “useful idiots” has been used so much in the blogosphere that it is nearly meaningless now. But these fools are, in truth, the perfect example of Lenin’s useful idiots. The publicity they reap for the Hamas overlords is worth millions. News organizations are “embedding” reporters in the flotilla boats, as if this were a war against Israel and their reporters need to write about it. And yet, this is a war against Israel, waged by terrorists, and fought by useful idiots like Medea Benjamin and Alice Walker.

Three boats are already on their way. Greece is holding seven ships, and Israeli is exerting tremendous pressure on Greece to refuse to allow the boats to sail from their ports. Here’s hoping the pressure works. Because when you read the words of the people on board, you realize that the flotilla’s purpose is not to support Gaza. It is to defy and destroy Israel. Once again, let me point out the ninth “Point of Unity” stated as the flotilla’s mission on its website:

We recognize the right of all Palestinian refugees and exiles and their heirs to return without delay to their homes in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, to recover their properties, and to receive compensation for damage, dispossession and unlawful use of such property, in accordance with international law. This is in the first instance an individual and not a collective right, and cannot be negotiated except by the individual.

Right. That’s clear enough: An end to Israel is the true goal of the Flotilla Fools, and people like Alice Walker? Useful idiots. Of more than one organization.

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2 Responses to The Gaza Flotilla: Egotists, idiots, and Israel-haters

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    “This is how, she says, she is repaying her debt to the Jews who marched with Martin Luther King”

    She repays those Jews by supporting Hamas, which is dedicated to genocide of the Jews. That’s showing your real gratitude Miz Alice.

    A Chain of Logic:
    Hamas is at war with Israel.
    Hamas intends genocide of the Jews.
    The Gaza flotilla is intended to break the blockade of Gaza by Israel, and is therefore an act of war, aimed at helping Hamas.
    Alice Walker is participating in an act of war intended to bring about genocide.
    Genocide is a crime against humanity, according to the Genocide Convention, an international treaty, making it part of that international law we heard so much about from lefties like Miz Alice when false accusations were bandied about against the USA and Israel.
    Therefore Miz Alice is committing a crime against humanity, for which she should be arrested, tried, and if found guilty shoved in the slammer like convicted Nazi war criminals were.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Give Lyn Adamson a bit of credit, Meryl. At least she makes a glancing reference to the fact that the “blockade” is partly Egypt’s doing, as well.

    Alice Walker’s response to 9/11, I seem to recall, was that instead of taking hateful military action against al-Qaeda we should have tried to show him the value of the human lives he had taken and presumably this would have led to remorse and atonement. In other words, whatever her literary gifts, Alice Walker is a naive chucklehead when it comes to politics. Her comment was on a par with Patty Murray’s that one reason people supported bin Laden is that he builds day care centers. Alice Walker is a writer and can be ignored by and large. Patty Murray is a US senator.

    By the way, I don’t think anyone will bother pointing this out to Ms. Walker and the other idiots and Jew-haters, but if people want to send letters of love and support to the Gazans all they need to do is write one, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it, and drop it in any mail box, which you can find pretty much anywhere.

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