Friday funny, black humor version

Sandy Cash, “Hey Jews.”

h/t: Rahel, who will get cat pictures tomorrow.

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One Response to Friday funny, black humor version

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    You know, Meryl, my eyesight is getting worse as I get older. In the early part of the video, showing Gazans going into Egypt, I could have sworn I saw that in order to do so they had to climb a fence. But…curiously enough I don’t see any of the flotilla fools and their supporters mentioning that, or anyone asking why they can’t simply make port in Egypt. Israel would have no means of stopping imports from Egypt into Gaza.

    Unless…oh, no, I’m being cynical…unless it isn’t actually the plight of the Gazans that moves them but sheer hatred for Israel. I’m sure there’s some more innocent explanation.

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