Thursday, briefly

And the Keen Grasp of the Obvious Award goes to: Jordan’s king, for saying that he thinks Mideast peace is not likely this year. In other news, water is wet.

Idiots for Israel: A bunch of EU dudes and FMs nobody ever heard of told Israel that there can be no peace without including Hamas in the talks. I say include Hamas, absolutely. Request that Ismail Haniyeh Khaled Mashaal personally lead the delegation. Then arrest them (actually, I’d rather see a drone strike hit the caravan, but that’s just me). Other than that, no, Hamas won’t make peace. Read the charter, asshats. The one that calls for the deaths of ALL Jews.

The Arab love for their Palestinian brethren: The Mufti of Lebanon told the Palestinians that they’re trash, and not welcome in Lebanon. Nice. Why? Because they’re “stealing” Muslim lands. Wait, what? Aren’t Palestinians Muslims too? But hey, just listen to them all use the lie that they’re fighting Israel as part of the “resistance” movement to help their Palestinian brothers and sisters. Yeah, we’ll remember this story next time we hear that.

Spin, spin, spin said the Obamanoids: Jennifer Rubin on the desperate spin mission the White House is on since Eli Lake broke the story that Obama is pressuring Netanyahu to fold Israel to his “1967 lines with mutually agreed land swaps” b.s. The best part of Jen’s post: The fact that the Obamanoids have yet to address the facts in Lake’s story and Jen’s posts. Of course they can’t, because the administration is, once again, dead wrong on Israel.

This entry was posted in Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, palestinian politics. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Thursday, briefly

  1. Soccerdad says:

    Have you ever found an elephant in a bag of M & M’s?

  2. Russ says:

    You’ll never spot them – they always paint their toenails.

  3. Soccerdad says:

    Russ, you’re supposed to answer “no” so I can say “See, it works!”

    Bummer. :-(

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