Let the long weekend begin

As my nephew is in his second day of the Crucible in Marine Boot Camp, Memorial Day weekend begins. I will never think about Memorial Day weekend in the same way again, now that I have a close relative in the service—particularly in the Marines.

Last Friday, I saw my “nephew” Jake (one of Sarah’s kids) perform in a concert. At the end of the concert, representatives of the services carried their flags to the front while the band played “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” They asked us to stand if we had or have a relative in the service. I stood for my father, who served in the Army during WWII. And I stood for my nephew, who is only a day and a half away from being a Marine.

I like living in the south. It’s a lot more military-friendly than where I grew up, though I was always taught to respect those who serve. And I like working at a company that’s got a high percentage of former military in its employ. I didn’t have what it takes to join back when I was younger, and frankly, I envy those who do.

On Monday, sometime during the barbecues and parties and movies, let’s remember to think about those who gave their lives to protect our country.

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

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2 Responses to Let the long weekend begin

  1. Elisson says:

    Right back atcha, Meryl!

  2. Jay Tea says:

    That standing part would poise a challenge for me — my father was in the Army Air Corps/Air Force during World War II. Should I stand for the Army, the Air Force, or both?

    Hey, I had another relative who was in the Army, so I guess I could stand for both, giving my father credit for being in the Air Force before it was “The Air Force.”


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