Dead bin Laden haiku

We’ve had haiku contests before. Time to have another. Winner gets—uh, mentioned.

Great news happened here
Osama bin Laden dead
Tuna for kitties

Osama is dead
We’re cheering in USA
Eff you, al Qaeda

Your turn, people.

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9 Responses to Dead bin Laden haiku

  1. Eric J says:

    Anyone passing
    out candy in the P.A.?
    No? FOAD.

  2. Eric J says:

    Seriously, do you think Hamas will be able to restrain itself and not have a “day of rage?”

  3. I thought they hate al Qaeda. They keep killing them in Gaza.

  4. Russ says:

    Osama is dead:
    Hear shouts of great rejoicing
    but nothing has changed.

    The media tout
    Obama did and Bush failed
    But don’t understand

    Al Qaeda remains
    The problem has not ended
    Back to work, soldiers

  5. jja says:

    Obama’s birth proof,
    Osama’s death — C.T.s scream
    “Coincidence? Ha!”

  6. Scott says:

    Osama bin Laden
    Given justice
    Now sleeping with the fishes

  7. Elisson says:

    Good news: bin Laden,
    Diseased mastermind of death,

    Masters of terror,
    See bin Laden’s fate and learn:
    There’s no place to hide.

    Arriving in Hell,
    Osama is welcomed by
    Virgins. With torches.

  8. Cameron says:

    Osama thrown out
    With ship’s garbage but there are
    Things fish will not eat

  9. Michael Lonie says:

    Rain falls gently
    Cherry tree blossoms
    Osama dies

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