Gracie at 14

About six months ago, Miss Gracie became my longest-lived cat. My first Tigger died of cancer at about thirteen and a half. My second Tigger died of kidney disease three years ago. Gracie has a heart murmur. Gracie has asthma triggered by allergies. She seized and nearly died at the vet’s office nine or ten years ago. And then there was the debacle with the vet who misdiagnosed and mistreated her IBD, which nearly killed her.

And yet, here she is, enjoying her tunafish treat for her fourteenth birthday.

Gracie and Tig on her fourteenth birthday

I call her my Sweetness, because she has never shown anything but a sweet disposition to me and every other person she’s met, including children. She’s never been mean or angry to anyone or anything except Tig 3.0 when he first arrived, and that was a territorial thing. Once she established that she is top cat, things went swimmingly.

Gracie ate not only her share of the tuna, but she shoved Tig aside and had some of his. Tunafish is the only thing she gets aggressive about.

Happy birthday, Sweetness. Say thank you to all the nice people who helped pay for the vet bills and saved your life. (She just yowled for me to come upstairs. As it is her birthday, I shall comply.)

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5 Responses to Gracie at 14

  1. Rahel says:

    Please give Gracie some kitty hugs and skritches for me. Happy birthday, lovely Gracie!

  2. April says:

    Happy Birthday Gracie! Sending you a handful of scritches, window of sunbeams for your birthday!

  3. Herschel says:

    They are both magnificent looking katzes, and are in a wonderful loving home, what more could a kitty ask for!
    Also, their wonderful tranquil images are a respite from the every day horrors and hatred we see around the world on a daily basis, please continue to post more soothing pictures of your photogenic twosome!

  4. Elisson says:

    Happy birthday, Gracie! May you (kein ayin hara) enjoy many more trips around the sun… and may the lovely Meryl continue to enjoy your sweet companionship.

    Hakuna (who turns 16 next month) sends her love, too.

  5. Pamela says:

    Happy Birthday Miss Gracie! Orange kitties are the best

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